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Andereen Ang Jing Ling
Barely there...

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Tbh Singapore has quite a shit education system. So many of us are being sucked into this filter funnel causing so much limitations in creativity and so many drop outs thinking that they are not smart enough. The syllabus is way too dead and the stress put on those poor minds are way too high. Also, why can't the kids do what they like and not drag their future success into every decision you make. There has got to be a reason why Singaporeans are so unhappy and it has got something to do with the way we were brought up in the first place. Money is such an important factor in Singaporeans' minds that they are willing to put aside other factors for the sake of money. Happiness, freedom etc. yes money is rather important in the society where cost of living is high and rising. But we only get one life so shouldn't we factor in our interest as well? Worse still, shouldn't we let our kids decide on what they want to do? 

I'm almost 19 and yes that's still rather young and childish but I have developed a mindset now and I may not know exactly what I want to do in the future but I damn assure you it has got nothing to do with what I'm studying in uni now. And yes my parents are the reason why I am in this situation. Anyways I guess I just have to suck it up and make a change only in the next generation. But it really sucks to know that all my big dreams ambitions and interest would not or might not be fulfilled in my lifetime. So I really hope this would help explain why I haven't really been myself this few weeks/months. Because this girl you're looking at ain't living life the way she want to and will/might never live life the way she want to. Knowing you're dying with regrets sucks. 

Also to my dear Singapore, how can you reject an applicant soley based on her results? This is seriously too much. We're not talking about medicine course or those law and dentisitry type that focuses more on one's academic performance in school. We're talking about bachelor of teaching. Shouldn't teachers be selected based on their passion, interest and capabilities? You rejected a girl who appealed but you called the other for interview when the grades only differ by one grade? That's too much. And I believe I have a better popfolio than the other. This is seriously too much. 

12:56 AM

Friday, March 29, 2013

I feel the need to get this off my chest.

Honesty Hour. I didnt know how to tell people this face to face but a few weeks ago my friends were talking about signing up for the nike run. yea i hate this period of the year tbh. In the past it was because i never liked to run behind people. Yea i've always been a rather competitive runner and thus i know i will never be the first few in such a big run so yea i'll pass. But now i grown out of that thought. I actually dont know when this started but it was definitely quite some time ago. I always had this issue of low blood sugar in my body so whenever i run or vigorously exercise i, to be in simple terms, fall sick. Okay a brief elaboration of what happens to me when this acts up. Simply it would start with giddyness which makes me know that the rest is coming my way. Then i start to break out in cold sweat, my face turn pale, i start to shiver, breathe too quickly and if it continues on, then i start to lose my strength in my legs that i cant walk and i would start to lose vision from one eye, usually the left...
Yea that sucks...big time. In my JC days, is still alright as i could simply eating or drink something before the start of  PE lesson and i'll be fine till the end of PE. But now it got really worse. A few months ago, i went for a run about 1 hour after my lunch and i totally had to crawl back home after like 2k? I had to walk a couple of steps and sit down for like 10 mins before continuing a couple more steps and all the way back home. That incident scarred me so badly that i haven't ran in months. I didnt want to go to the doctor's...i guess a part of me doesnt want to know whats going on with me. But i really miss running. The feeling of the wind in your face, the satisfaction when you got a nice timing, the after-run pant that felt super good and definitely the feeling of being the first felt awesome. But i guess those glory days are over. Im glad i have a couple of medals to remind me but i really wished i could feel like that again. Maybe i am already feeling better but i just dont dare to try and tbh i find it extremely embarrassing to be all geared up and you stop after like 2k... Yea so sighs...but i still wont admit that im slower than them now because i was not. Even if i am now, it wouldnt be a fair judgement eh.

Glad i finally got this off my chest.

11:17 PM

Well my JC journey is now completed behind and this is the moment to reminisce. But for now it's work work work. I feel like I fit in better at work...like I was always meant to do this other than study. I really have to say I've been getting good reviews at most/all of my workplace. I actually had had this thought that I wanted to take a gap year off Uni...and just work and get some experience before deciding what to do. But due to parent's strong rejection, the idea was dropped. It's kinda sad that at this point in my life, I have 2 things that I can't do them my way. 1) I have to follow the traditional way and is not allowed to take gap years as its 'wasting' a year...
2) Im have to choose a course that gets me some where in life and not the course I desire. People around me mostly know that I want to teach. But I've always had this strong passion for design. I guess it's somewhat in my blood haha. But apparently, Singaporean parents are always like that...they want their kids to have a bright future. That ironically sucks. So I didn't apply for sutd or any design related courses...and at the age of 19 I have alr had a lifelong regret.

And I am so sick and tired of people thinking JC kids are like damn smart and high above. Thought this shit will end in the workforce but no! Peeps are still having the thought that jc kids are like damn clever. That is so not true...and peeps from ite are not dumb or slow so please stop this social segregation. It's so stupid. Everyone has different talents and learning capabilities...so many person x gets an A and person Y failed at a particular subject...does that even mean that X is smarter than Y? No! It only meant 2 things! Either Y did not try hard or Y is more cut out for other aspects. So for those arrogant jc kids, shame on you. For the rest that holds this segregation, a man's education does not determine his or her level of intellect or capabilities.

And lastly, I am a super straight Singapore girl but I support gay marriage. Love is love you just can't change who they want and choose to be. Yes it may seem a little strange at first since this was not the way we were born and taught. But hey...its just needs a little adapting. Following in Miley Cyrus footsteps #NOH8.

Nights peeps

1:38 AM

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Havent posted in years. probably cause i started writing my diary again so i dont see a point in blogging. But so far life has been great. Im now a JC graduate having bad feelings about my alevel results and worrying bout my future...but pushing that aside, im rather enjoying working life so far. Yea im still heartbroken that i had to say no to my relief teaching gig at ahmad ibrahim primary cause i had to work at river explorer that day. But just cause i want to do the relief teaching more doesnt give me the rights to push away the slight responsibility i have at my part-time job so i had to turn it down. Currently in the midst of my driving lessons and i hope by June i will have my very own class 3A driver's license. Been living off parental financial support and it sucks lol.

I really dont understand how the human mind can differ so much in similar individuals. I mean we're all around the same age i suppose, why some young adults can have such mature and wise way of thinking and on the other hand we have people that are doing the stupidest things on earth. By the age of 18-ish shouldnt we at least have the basic mindset of knowing whats stupid and whats not? I dont want to touch on the specific situation i encountered cause she might read this and world war III starts. Anyways, to whoever it may concern: please, you have a little something protected by a skull somewhere in your head...idk what you like to call it but i call it a brain. So please just use the lonely little organ when you're making a comment or an explanation cause it just shows sheer stupidity now.

And, just cause freethought isn't a religion doesnt mean i dont have a believe. I guess its more towards agnosticism cause honestly, every religion has its know background story and they all sound rather convincing in one way or another. So whats wrong with having a free mind. And just cause my parents are Buddhist doesnt mean i have to naturally follow in their footsteps. I actually have this thing cause individuality and personality that i develop and not copied lol hehe whoops? But come on...you and i both know im not lying. And im not superficial just cause i still pray in a temple and present offerings to my grandparents because that's their religion when they are around and its the slightest thing i can do for them now. Its not like im messing with you and your religion so why cant you just live your life and i'll live mine...damn.

12:08 AM

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Alevels are over, the approx 8 months holiday begins now. Just recently worked with Vendermac for a Barbie photoshoot event. Met some really awesome colleagues and some really shitty customers. Its a bittersweet feeling that its over. Cause we prolly wont get to see the colleagues ever again but we finally stop getting shit from the stupid parents. Working life aint easy but i would still prefer this over JC life. hah. I guess some students tend to misunderstand holiday jobs. In their mind, you simply find a job, work and spend your pay. Its really not that easy. Okay maybe this post is aiming towards a particular individual i have in mind but still, cause its a lot more complicated than their virtual image of it...
Anyways, just had a sleepover with my best friends. Had much fun as usually, watching princess diaries 2 in the dark, jamming at midnight, taking crazy photos, snacking, snuggling, etc etc. I love this two girls to death i swear. Did i mention im gonna sign up for my driver's license soon, excited much!

Well wells, i guess theres something i want to touch on cause my besties kept saying im an octopus lol. So this goes out to the rest of the world that do not truly understand the situation. I dont quite understand why girls and guys cant be normal friends. I guess i have that answer cause one individual usually ends up falling for the other and ruins the beautiful friendship. But idk i would really love to have a normal guy friend cause guys are usually more calm and composed and less dramatic when it comes to handling situations. Sometimes its nice to have a person like that in your life. But nevertheless i will make sure the right boundaries are drawn, its afterall not nice to lead people on and let them down. well wells why cant everyone be like an open book...less misunderstandings, more mutual respect. Life would be so much better.

Been trying to avoid answering relatives when they touch on the topic 'my future' cause i honestly dont know what to do. My alevel results are the key to everything and honestly i dont have high hopes since i've been failing for the past few months. I just dont know which pathway i want to take. Used to have interest in Law but that prolly defines impossible instead of the other way round. And in the recent years mdm yeong made me interested in biology but yet again its a straight A course. Im not even sure if i truly want to teach or am i just saying that cause of the stability and its more clear cut. Or i can do philosophy and be a english teacher or prolly a writer which i will starve to death in Singapore. Too many options dont know which of them are realistic and to my likings. Lets just hope when the time comes, everything will work itself out.

Ps: If anyone still reads this, visit one of my bestie's blogspot. Just Click here :) 

12:42 AM