MG19 ' 12. Wouldnt exchange them for anything :]
Well well its common test season and lets just say i have no confidence , almost no preparations for it. Rumors are spreading that if you flunk your common test you're gonna retain. Hell yeah im dead. Kinda having high expectations for my H1 content...but i should be disappointed... ><
H2 is being a real bitch. If only i had another week or so then i would say im prepared as now its kinda pathetic with such little revision done yet i cant find the motivation to study. Damn i want to play for A'div so i got to pass my papers...school policy. Damnit...pretty please, a simple E or D would do this time round.
Things im looking forward to:
-My eighteenth birthday, well its about time i turn legal and get my authorized entry to M18 movies
-The End of Alvls. So that i can finally take a break from my 12 years of education for a couple of heavenly months.
-Release of Alvls results. Well not necessary looking forward but i would like to know them even if i flunk since its just a matter of time you find out...
-Get an awesome job that pays well for the holiday.
-Sign up for my drivers course as soon as i raise the money.
-Raise the money for a awesome lappy to prep myself for university (if i get that far)
-The day i start my uni course (hopefully it'll happen)
6:45 PM