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Andereen Ang Jing Ling
Barely there...

August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
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December 2009
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September 2013

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

what is going on with the world.

9:55 PM

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

VOTE MILEY CYRUS FOR EMA http://ema.mtv.co.uk/vote!

SA2 started...feels kind of good not having to take exams:D
well Os in 1month...gosh i need

L1R5 approx 12....
bonus points 4...
cool 8...NYJC

if i screw up a little,

L1R5 approx 16...
probably SRJC...

well either one should be fine...
JCs out of my league ?


9:22 PM

Monday, September 27, 2010

prom is no longer on miley's birthday.damnit
to go or not to go

6:57 PM

Friday, September 24, 2010


10:10 PM

Thursday, September 23, 2010

okay so many people were asking why am i so emo today...
there's two parts...
1) i failed amaths .
okay , look , i wont be that sad if i failed because i really dont know how to do...i failed all because of my irritating annoying and disruptive stomachache...i know exactly how to do those questions , well not all of it but the marks are enough for a B... i cant believe i flunk because of my stomachache... when i actually think of it , all the papers i flunked was due to my tummyache...chem p2 , bio p2 , emath p2 , amath p2 , geo.
WTH?! my emath chem bio and ss/geo i was expecting distinctions , guess what? they're all Bs...
i hate myself for getting sick...its my last chance of dsa and now its ruined because of my tummyache?
im such a failure.

2)Selfish people.
After many incidents , i found out who are awesome friends and who are not. i see your true colours.
humans are created/evolved for a particular reason which i dont know what...obviously ...
but we are suppose to help one another and not do things just for our selfish needs. maybe it wasnt on purpose
but we have to be more sensitive to other's feelings. im not taking sides though.
We are suppose to care for one another and not ignore them when they're down...There are people like me who flunk their prelims and you people shouldnt enjoy your time first as im out of sight then care when you have to see my face. wth! yes i know you did well so just shut up and stop celebrating in my face.
yes i flunked , but dont think it is because we failed because we're stupid or of low IQ. we arent.

People having good grades does not mean they are smart.
and others having bad grades does not mean we're dumb.
those are just hard-working and not-hard-working.
its the matter of effort.
of course i believe there are dumb people in the world but no one i know belong to that category.
self respect does not equal self centered.

I do know people that think sooooo highly of themselves that others are dumb to them.
i hate it when muggers get good grades and everyone say they are smart...oh please they are muggers , dont be so native-.-

im not naming names so dont assume im talking about a particular person. its just a statement and means no harm or offences.

Labels: ,

7:50 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

cannot believe the cinema people dont allow me to enter resident evil.
im 15years and 10months ..2months big deal? stupid people following stupid rules.
watched it anyways:P and it was awesome , scare the hell out of me but still great.....
yinanne and i kept screaming! Alicia also! :D looking forward to a 5th film and probably would watch it with a guy! or a brave girl! :D
im friggin timid and have to sit in the middle during scary movies...cant imagine when you turn your head and its
empty , what if something attacks me or suddenly sit next to me? okay im hallucinating but its true ...i have the guts of an ant. xD
half day at school , awesome PE~!~!~!~!


2:45 PM

Friday, September 17, 2010

its prom season...lols shallow girls are getting excited.
girls like me are indecisive whether to attend when you have to pay 70+ dollars to see people you already know and people you detest. whats really the point?
i rather go bowling that night. teehees. maybe can make it an anti prom night. to the bowling alley
cool...ooh and prom;s on miley's birthday....coincidence. im sooo gonna wish her happy birthday.
she hadnt reply my fanmail yet. wow im really obsessed with her

anyways , flunked amath paper 1 , not really flunk but paper 2 is soo gonna pull it straight down so paper 1 has to be of a high score , which i did not get...so indirectly , flunked.

dont you hate it when you deserve a better mark and because of your carelessness and blindness , you get pulled down? damnit.

kays , school restarted after prelims and im back to my half dead self...its pretty normal during hot days and math periods...
everyone hate math~! well , pretty much :P

now , my colour rank.
1. purple

last , blue yellow gray...
whats the point of gray ? its like a weird hybrid kind of thing;D

craving for donuts and milkshakes and fraps.

whipped creams...and yes i know im being random stop saying that.

i hate people who:
-shake their legs , ate wrong pill ah!
-take forever to get ready , self confidence people~!
-think highly of themselves ...wow ego...
-are self centered ... wow the sun would not rise without you~~
-are total jerks ...duh
-attention seeks ....(1 thing to point out , i do not attention seek ....its gross and seem pretty pathetic , spotlight on her? kay...i can live in the dark:D)

hahas am i in any position to critise? no....
thats the whole point of it...
you dont have to be liked by everyone in the world ,because im not:D well duh , many perhaps hate me for who i am...but there;s really no point in hating people that hate you... it is not a cycle , well at least it is not suppose to be...:D just live life and try to be loved:D
thats a whole different thing than self-centered , as you can live life AND help others , care for others and respect others...

people i respect.
-MM Lee kuan yew:D ( he is someone of great intelligence and self respect , everything he does is logical and makes sense...so yea!!)
-Miley Cyrus ( she may not be like a goody two shoes but she manage to have such a great career at the age or 18 when we're all busying studying and SPENDING money.She is generous and helps less fortunates and never forgets where she is from and how she got to where she is now)
-Davedays ( He managed to make an awesome career out of youtube...making people laugh and his talents in song writing and singing. he even got to meet miley cyrus , visit demi moore and ashton kutcher's house)
-Mr Barack Obama (Presidents should not be all about politics....it should have some fun in it and some chillax moments...he is awesome at that and can be serious when he have to be.)
-Ms Ellen Degeneres (Gay Marriages should not be looked down on. So what if you're different , it means you;re unique and you cannot be influenced by others...it shows how mature and how much self respect you have...She managed to earn millions , brighten millions lives and have fun while doing so.)

Gain my respect . ( which i doubt anyone would want my respect since im that little crazy girl)
im not little anymore:D im actually 5ft2 and 43kg


Labels: ,

2:36 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Silly and random things about me.
when i was young ,i thought
- bon jovi was dead:P
-bed bugs were huge
-there were only the 7 rainbow colours in the world
-the moon was following me.
-perfume kills germs:P
-micheal jackson was white all along.
-we have to bring all our books on the first day of school
-guy toilets have no toilet bowls
-rubiks cube was a just an ornament:P
-bees make honey

Hahahs silly me...okays biology was manageable and IM CURED.
there's this awesome song...jar of hearts by christina perri. im gonna upload the vid next time.
its awesome.
"who you think you are , running aroung leaving scars , collecting a jar of hearts , tearing love apart"


10:13 PM

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

okay....i hate amaths...its a killer paper....AGGRHS
1st question and im stuck.
well im still sick and having terrible abominal pains....
biology tmr and im soo gonna mug and get my A.

12:27 PM

Monday, September 13, 2010

i feel horrible....
Nauseous Abominal Pains Giddy Weak.
=( amath paper tmr.
to skip or not to skip...in my current condition i think i cannot even pass

8:24 PM

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Olivia:)

Okays , horrible day yesterday. And i back on cafe world <:-)
its fun...during exam periods....and amaths is soooooooooo irritating.
hahas...Anyways people , MILEY'S GONNA HAVE 2 NEW MOVIESSSSSS.
and Zac has 1 , and mean girls 2 is coming out...ITS AWESOME~!


2:40 PM

Thursday, September 09, 2010

so its my brothers birthday. wow.


1:31 PM

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


1. Last beverage: Calamansi
2. Last phone call: Dad
3. Last text message: Caroline
4. Last song you listened to: im a happy happy horse happy happy happy horse
5. Last time you cried: a long long long long time ago


6. Dated someone twice: eww
7. Been cheated on: dont think so?
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: No
9. Lost someone special:
10. Been depressed: Yeah
11. Been drunk and threw up: Im 2years away from the legal age


12. Orange
13. Purple
14. Olive Green


15. Made a new friend: Yeayeayeaps
16. Fallen out of love: No yes no yea no yea
17. Laughed until you cried: yea
18. Met someone who changed you: yea
19. Found out who your true friends were: yea
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yea
21. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list: no
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: almost all
23. How many kids do you want?: wow im only sixteen but not more than 3
24. Do you have any pets: yea i named my phone miles
25. Do you want to change your name: Nah
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Just like everyothers
27. What time did you wake up?: 10:29 and im proud
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Diary venting
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: My sixteen birthday and grad day
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 15mins ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i want magical powers
32. What are you listening to right now: double whammy:)
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
34. Who is getting on your nerves now?: YOU
35. Most visited webpage: facebook? chacha?
36. What’s your real name: Ang jingling:)
37. Nicknames: Chucky , lingling:)
38. Relationship Status: Single but unavailable
39. Zodiac sign: Sagittarus
40. Male or female?: do i look male?
41. Primary School?: North View
42. Secondary School?: Peirce
43. High school/college?: Hopefully NYJC
44. Hair colour: Black? or a really dark brown that looks like black
45. Long or short: Mid
46. Height: 0.000 981 766 483 73 mile
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yea
48: What do you like about yourself?: My brain lols
49. Piercings: ear:)
50: Tattoos: no way
51. Righty or lefty: Right


59. Eating: nothing
60. Drinking: nothing
61. I’m about to: bathe
62. Listening to: double whammy
63. Waiting for: birthday and grad day


64. Want kids?: yea
65. Get married?: yea
66. Career: lawyer LOLS


67. Lips or eyes: eeyes
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: older
73. Sensitive or loud: both
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship

76. Kissed a stranger: NO.
77. Drank hard liquor: no.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: no
79. Sex on first date: NO.
80. Broken someone’s heart: maybe.
82. Been arrested: no
83. Turned someone down: maybe
84. Cried when someone died: duh
85. Fallen for a friend: maybe

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no.
95. Did you sing today?: yea
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: no.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: psle
98. The moment you would choose to relive?: psle
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: no
100. Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths?: no but im not gonna do it lols.

10:07 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

want to know why?
"welcome to my life" by simple plan's lyrics should tell you the answer.
i love that song as it fits me perfectly....
gosh. i so need to take advantage of my anger to write a new song..


2:46 PM

Saturday, September 04, 2010

you know , justin bieber aint that bad now since he started hanging out with miley:D
Hahahs...wellwell...Start of a holiday and i should be turning into a mugger by now but im not.
i have a life ...and prelims aint gonna ruin them.
mdm ang wanted us to be back on tuesday for a 5hour long remedial...o-m-g...
died-ed-ed-ed-ed-ed...poor caroline ... she has 10 hours. hahas we're so gonna see our ANG ancestors;)
i cant even take 1hour of math and now its 5.....its bogus...
well im addicted to songs from simple plan and all american rejects...been jaming alone all night...
well not exactly all night yea...okay , i have to get in NYJC....i have to...its the only place i want to go...

one of these would be fine...

just not those scary freaky genius and those with run-down campus:)


1:15 PM

Friday, September 03, 2010

okay , i love davedays...
i love creamy soups , i love miley cyrus , i love purple , i love orange , i love you:)
just being random here...
im soooooo gonna flunk my amaths....tough eh... geo paper was pretty okay , just hope i got to the point~!
Bio Chem Emath Amath ...4 more subs to go and i got a week...
whats a holiday filled with books and studies....eww:)
anyways , to everyone out there that has that 1week to enjoy school-free , grats.
and to all who has prelims 2 , luck!
I've gone mad...i have....
and wow , you made me like that! its all because of you...yea ... my psychological problem:D
i love good luck charlie , i love charms ...\

Your glance is a charm


4:08 PM

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Im so happy that healthcare came out , but why must it combine with population?! Healthcare , fight for your independence like chechnya!!!!!!!!
Hahas...emaths was manageable...tmr , amaths and geo , DIED-ED-ED-ED-ED-ED.

2:53 PM

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Im dying...


2:53 PM